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Dec 26, 2009


Morning people - and what a beautiful morning it is.

The snow lying as a cover on the ground and Christmas music playing through the speakers...and I still have so much to do this morning before I can relax with a shower.

At three our families are coming over for Christmas dinner, meaning we will be 21(22 if my brother comes along) people. And yesterday we brought tables, porslin and chairs - I made most of the food yesterday but I still have a few things that needs to be done. Made ribs for the fist time in my life, boiled ham for the first time, pealed potatoes 4kg, meatballs...and probably something else. Can't even remember everything I've made...

Well now I need to return to the kitchen, I hope your Christmas was a wonderful time.

At the keys

Dec 23, 2009

On the road part 2

Hi guys - Now I'm on my way back home now, in the car with my aunt and her husband. He's the one driving. I'm looking forward to coming home again =) I'll probably be home again in about three and a half hour - earlier if there's good on the road. But right now it's snowing so I hope it will go well for us - I'm not doubting Mikaels ability to drive, it's the other drivers I doubt.

Wilda, is currently sleeping here in the backseat next to me. She's gonna be so "dead" when they get back home after Christmas. She's meeting my grandmother and my other two aunts and their families for the first time tomorrow on Christmas Eve. Heh, well now I'm gonna play some games before the battery dies.

Merry Christmas

at the keys

Dec 22, 2009

Over the hills and far away

So my plan on actually sitting down and writing now that I'm at my aunts, yea that plan went over the hills and far away.... Seriously, I thought that I would do some writing while I was here but I leave tomorrow - And I've been here one and a half week already... God time flies. I'm not sure where December went this year because one moment I was looking forward to the first advent and next thing I know it's two days 'til Christmas.

And speaking of Christmas - this will be the first year I'm not celebrating with anyone from my family, actually I'm not even visiting any of them Christmas eve. Even if I've spent most of Christmas eve with others I've always visited my mother, grandparents and/or my father. And this year I'm not even doing that. Feels a little weird to be honest. It's just going to be me and a friend of mine. And well Ac and Ken will both be back later on Christmas eve, since they are apparently sleeping at home. Not that I mind.

Today is a very beautiful winter day, probably a little to cold for my clothing today but yeah. I'll be taking my aunts dog for a walk in a bit. Get some fresh air.

At the keys

Dec 21, 2009

The Story of Peter Connelly "Baby P"

I heard about "Baby P" when it happened in August 2007. And I thought it was - well I had some bad words to say about it then. And what I got to say now ain't all that pretty either.
I watched a video about the story of Peter Connelly - - I cried, so did my aunt. How can you hurt a child, hurt it so much you eventually killed it?! It's sickening and the little hope I had for humankind is barely existing at the moment.
I know that many have the urge to hit a child when that child is being hard to deal with but there's not many (that I know personally) that have actually acted on that urge. It's the same urge to hit someone when they do something you dislike - most of us can handle the urge. Let it pass... but the people that can't those are the people that end up hurting innocent. A child who can't fight for him/herself, has no chance to do anything. And what can you do at that point? I hope that I can stop someone if I see them hurting a child(or another person for that matter) but unless in a situation like that I can't say what I'll do - I can only hope I do what's right, what I think is right at least.

On a different, but kinda the same note, I translated the texts in the video to Swedish, since I know a few that aren't very good at English but I want to know about and watch the video about Peter. He was known as "Baby P" because a judge decided that his mothers, stepfather and his name would not be announced, but a while after "Baby P"s real name was announced and the name of his murderers where told to the public. And we can now remember Peter Connelly and honor him for the short time he spent here on Earth, and hope that where ever he may be he is safe, loved and cared for - The things he wasn't when he was here.

At the keys

Dec 18, 2009



Before time there where nothing
I was before time
Thus I am nothing

Before someone else there where nobody
I was before someone else
Thus I am nobody

Before everyone else there was none
I was before everyone else
Thus I am no one

I am
no one
I am nobody
I am nothing

- - -

Willing to try

Here I am, this is me
I may be different from most
you may want to change me

But this is me, this is who I am
I am different from most
I wont change my ways, just that easy

You know what?

I may be ordinary to most
but I am not interested it what most thinks

Do you think I am different?
Do you think I am ordinary?

Want me to change?
Or stay the way I am?

Here I am, this is me
I may be different from most
I may be ordinary to most
Change don't come easy
For you I will try

- - -

Three small words

There's so many things I want to tell you,
so many things I want you to know
And yet here I am,
talking to you
Not saying anything
of all the things I want you to know

Is it always going to be like this?
Will I ever have the courage to tell you?
Tell you just how much I miss you,
when I can't talk with you
Tell you how much you're in my mind
every waken hour of the day,
even those spent asleep

Of all the things I want to tell you
of all the things I want you to know
I do not know if I will ever have the courage
The courage to say those three words,
with so much meaning

Will I ever tell you just how much
I love you

- - -

By your side

I walked next to you
just like I always have
(I am) always walking by your side

If it's not by you
it is by someone else

Never by myself
always with someone
always by someones side

Despite always being by someones side
I am often alone

- - -

Dec 17, 2009

Sound of Madness

So Im at my aunts at the moment, will be staying here til the 23th when we'll be leaving for grandmas(d) - even if they're going to spend Christmas there I'm leave for home when I've said "Hi" to grandma(d). Since I will be spending Christmas Eve with a friend and then the 26th we're having a Christmas dinner with our families(me and the three people I live with), looking forward to it. Even if probably none of my family will be attending...

Hate that;
You make me shiver
You make me cry
You're always on my mind

Hate that;
You can make me do anything
You can make me feel like this
You're the one
my heart beats for

I hate that I love you
As I said before I would post some of my work/texts, and between my gaming with my aunt I'll try to post some more now that I can actually find peace of mind to write on my things and I'll post both older and newer things.

-A little later- -
So in the middle of this post we walked over to a friend to drink some coffee and just hang out for a while - we where away for about two hours. And tomorrow, if it goes as planed, her friend will 'predict my future' I'm not sure what it's called in English but she's supposed to look in my tea leaves or what is was and she'll be able to tell things that's going on and will happen in my life. And it's both on the part to check if she's for real - since she knows nothing about me (besides that Camilla are my aunt) and because I actually find it amusing and in a way believe in fortunetelling -HA! That was what it's called! Knowing the words but not being able to write it until when I'm not really paying much attention to what I'm actually am writing.

Well I'm gonna get ready for bed - I'm tired and for once I want to go up before ten!

'til next time
at the keys

Dec 14, 2009


Ponder, something I seem to do more often then not, these days. My thoughts kept wonder off visiting the inhabitants down Memory Lane, string up fights ‘n ripping of the bandage on the still healing wound, letting it get infected by the back stabbing next door neighbours. I build my hedges high, held my dogs close, yet the inhabitants of Memory Lane manage to get by my locked doors, in to the core of my house, crushing, burning, breaking, I hear it all from my cold hiding. I hear how the neighbours pond on the door, just above the stairs that will lead them to this cold and dark place. I shudder and shiver as the cold brush of air passes through the now broken door, down to my trembling form, tensing up as the stairs creak letting me know that they are getting closer, soon they will be here, right in front of me. They stare at my bruised body beneath the ragged cloths, trying to hide from their eye is to no use, they lit the room ‘n can now see everything, every scratch, bruise, scar… They all stare on what they all have done, my neighbours: the inhabitants of Memory Lane.

- March of 2009 -

Dec 11, 2009

On the road

Hi hello =)

Im currently on a train headed to my aunt and uncle, was playing World of Warcraft with her earlier today when she asked what I'm doing over the weekend then if I wanted to come over to them for a while. So next thing I knew I was booking my ticket and packing my things to leave. From when she asked to when I left home to head for the train station; 3 hours and 30 min (Or around that time). And it took me about 1 hour and 40 min to get to the train by bus, subway and walking. Mind you that my aunt lives across the country, might have a small country but it is still around 300km from my home to theirs.

What's nice about taking the train, besides thinking about the environment, easier and faster, is the scenery. Since the track doesn't go next to a road all that often one gets to see so much more then when traveling by bus or car. And right now when it's dark and Christmas is just around the corner, going past smaller town and cities are really beautiful.

If I could take some nice pictures I would have posted them as well - but I'll just post a boring photo of from the train.

Well I'm going to write some on my story (or maybe watch some Criminal Minds).

'til next time
at the keys

Dec 10, 2009

Gadgets and a slow day

Why hello there,
I've been adding some gadgets on to my blog one of my playlist on Youtube is one of them. Thought I would try and give this blog a little more of me... I'll probably add and try other gadgets out as time goes by to see which ones I like and find useful.

Been a slow day today, did the dishes I should have done yesterday (It was my dinnerday yesterday), put in another load of cloths in the washer -waiting for them to finish right now- and did some minor cleaning around the house. Even if we really need to vacuum I can't be bothered to right now. Hopefully I'll be healthy again soon so I can actually do anything without sweating like a pig and having to shower at least once a day...

Apparently we're eating out today, not really sure as to why but I won't complain haven't eaten out in a while now. And hopefully I'll get to fetch some more of my things from my mothers apartment later - If Jess is feeling up for the task of driving me there and back after work and dinner.

I want snow - I mean it's December already and we got no snow over here. I've got no Christmas feeling at all, which is sad and a little annoying. Not sure we'll get any snow this year either. But one can hope.

See you another time

At the keys

Dec 9, 2009


Hello again,

Took shorter time then I thought before I posted again. But a friend of mine showed me this site today. And I got hooked in a second. I love these kind of "games", especially Memory games. I've been on the site for almost three hours now and I'll probably be on there again tomorrow.

I really enjoy playing "short games" of different kinds, like Bejeweled and other puzzle games. Playing games is pretty much what I do all days - between searching for jobs, cleaning, doing some laundry and trying not to pass out from the fly I'm currently struggling to get passed.

Well now "my" bed is calling for me -

Write you again soon

at the keys

Dec 7, 2009

Introduction and information

I've been asked a few times why I haven't started a blog to post some of my works and write about the things that's going on and thing's that interests me and probably many others as well, and up til now I have told them that it's probably nothing for me... But now I thought I would give this a try.
So who am I? Not an easy question mind you, I can tell you that I am a woman in her very early twenties born and raised in Sweden, trying to find out what I want to do with my life. Not something that I can figure out over night.
I will probably talk more about myself as time goes by, telling everything right now will bore you to death.

So what is it that I will write about here?
One of them will be stories, stories I have written or are currently working on. I'll post poems and texts that I have written. Write about different things that's happening in my life, in my town, in this country and in the world. How things change, sometimes over night and others over time.

I'll also write about books I've read, movies I've seen and series I'm watching and have watched. And most likely write about different artist I'm currently obsessive about.

That's it for now

Hope to be able to write soon again

At the keys
