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Apr 27, 2010

The Sad Hero

The Sad Hero
He is brave, loyal, kind and above everything he is a protector. But you see that smile he has on his lips when you get the chance to see him, it is forced. That care-free attitude of his, it’s his mask for what is really going on.
Our hero is fighting a war whilst he protects us helps us in our own battles, his war is not seen by us, and it is fought inside him, where he built his high walls and his fortress. That impenetrable fortress he started building years ago.
Our hero, our knight in shining armour, is beaten up under it all. Behind the drapery of bravery and courage our hero is like a lonesome wolf left behind by his pack, he is sad and alone.
Wishes are made to that of our hero, a wish to make him see that the wall and the fortress only need to be that of a house and its wooden fence with its open gate, wishes that of happiness for our hero. Our sad hero need not face these battles alone; he has an army to back him up.

1 comment:

  1. this one was pretty sad but beautiful./Vik
