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Jun 13, 2010


Oh for F**k sake! How difficult is it to just sign a piece of paper? Apparently a very hard task since Jessica refuses to do it. On the sole reason of being a bitch and use my excuse against me.
I said earlier today that I didn't want to go to her co-worker since it was last minute. And said "If you'd told me yesterday then maybe." And now when I said I needed her signature on the contract since I couldn't get the money to give her rent unless she did it. She first uses, "I need to calm down", then "I'm gonna use what you said earlier, you could have told me yesterday." As to which I said; "I told you two weeks ago and you said you would fix it but you haven't and so I did and if you don't sign you won't get your money." To that I just got a look and she turn and walked away....

1 comment:

  1. OMG jobbigt läge kan man säga.Har de löst sig nu då? Kram!
